Drunk Driving Kills Young Mother, Babies

On Christmas Eve this year, Louisiana lost a young family when a 19-year-old mother and

On Christmas Eve this year, Louisiana lost a young family when a 19-year-old mother and her infant son were killed in what Louisiana State Police are calling a “fiery crash.” An allegedly drunk driver was fleeing the scene of another accident when she plowed into the back of the young family’s car, rupturing their gas tank, which exploded into flames engulfing both vehicles.

The young mother was pregnant and recently engaged to her fiancé, who was driving their vehicle. Another driver, fleeing a different accident, plowed into their car. The driver of the other vehicle was allegedly impaired at the time of the accident. The impaired driver responsible for the crash exited her vehicle with few injuries while bystanders were able to pull the young mother and her fiancé out of their car. Though CPR was performed on the young mother, both she and her infant son were pronounced dead at the scene.

Blood was drawn from both drivers, and it was determined that the driver of the car that struck the young family was impaired at the time of the accident. She was charged with two counts of vehicular homicide, careless operation, and hit and run.

Horrific Tragedy

The loss of this young family is devastating for everyone involved: the young man who lost two children and his future wife, the impaired driver who will have to live with these murders for the rest of her life, the extended family members on both sides who will suffer this loss as well as a poignant reminder of that loss every year on Christmas Eve. It is a terrible reminder to the community of just how high the costs can be when people take risks and get behind the wheel after drinking or doing drugs.

Too often, people say to themselves, “I’ve done it a thousand times; it will be fine.” Or they justify driving after drinking a few over the holidays by saying, “I’ll be okay. I’ve just had a couple, and I need to get home.” They make a valuation call that determines that the risk is worth it. Unfortunately, those choices put the safety of others in jeopardy as well.

Early Warning Signs

A tragedy like this is a clear signifier of a drinking problem that has spiraled out of control. Life-changing – and life-ending – choices made while under the influence make it obvious to everyone involved that it is time to seek treatment. But waiting for people to die in a fiery accident or from an overdose is no way to effectively gauge the severity of a substance use disorder. Rather, family members and friends who see the early warning signs of a substance use disorder are encouraged to take action before tragedy strikes.

Some of these signs include:

  • Blacking out or memory loss during bouts of drug or alcohol use
  • Drinking or getting high alone, in the mornings, on breaks from work, at work, or at other inappropriate times
  • Lying about drinking or drug use to oneself, family members, friends, or coworkers
  • Spending too much on drugs and alcohol
  • Experiencing hangovers frequently
  • Choosing activities based on whether or not it is allowable or easy to be drunk or high

Louisiana in Crisis

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2012, about 5.2 deaths for every 100,000 were caused by a drunk driving accident in Louisiana, a number that is significantly higher than the national average of 3.3 deaths per 100,000. More than 3,000 people died due to an alcohol-related car accident in Louisiana between 2003 and 2012, and that does not include the deaths that were caused by drivers who were under the influence of other substances, including marijuana, opiates, and prescription medications.

About 2.5 percent of adults surveyed in Louisiana reported driving after drinking too much compared to 1.9 percent nationally. For families across the state, this survey highlights the need for a better understanding of the potential for loss and devastation that comes with making the choice to get behind the wheel after drinking. The loss of these lives is horribly tragic, and hopefully their story will mark a turning point for Louisiana when it comes to drinking and driving.

The Dangers of Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is dangerous for a number of reasons. First of all, alcohol impairs judgment, reaction time, and coordination. When someone drinks and drives, they are more likely to make poor decisions and have slower reaction times in critical situations. This can result in accidents, injuries, and even fatalities.

In addition, drunk driving increases the risk of accidents in other ways. For example, drunk drivers are more likely to speed, swerve, or run red lights. They may also drive the wrong way on one-way streets or highways. These actions can cause serious accidents and put innocent people in harm's way.

The Consequences of Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a serious crime that can result in severe consequences. Depending on the circumstances, some of the possible penalties include:

  • Fines and court costs
  • Suspension or revocation of driver's license
  • Community service
  • Jail time
  • Increased insurance rates
  • Civil lawsuits

These penalties can have a major impact on someone's life, even if they avoid causing an accident. However, if a drunk driver causes an accident, the consequences can be much worse. In addition to the criminal penalties, they may be sued for damages and face civil liability.

Preventing Drunk Driving

The good news is that drunk driving is a preventable crime. There are many steps that individuals and communities can take to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the road. Some of these include:

  • Planning ahead: If you know you will be drinking, plan ahead for a safe ride home. This could involve designating a sober driver, using a ride-sharing service, or taking public transportation.
  • Educating others: Encourage your friends and family members to avoid drinking and driving. Explain the risks and consequences, and offer to help them find a safe ride home if they need it.
  • Supporting enforcement efforts: Support law enforcement efforts to crack down on drunk driving. This could involve reporting suspected drunk drivers, volunteering for DUI checkpoints, or advocating for stronger laws and penalties.
  • Building a culture of responsibility: Encourage responsible drinking and driving habits in your community. This could involve supporting local organizations that promote responsible drinking, hosting alcohol-free events, or participating in public awareness campaigns.

The Impact of Drunk Driving on Families and Loved Ones

Drunk driving not only affects the driver, but also has a profound impact on the families and loved ones of victims. Losing a loved one in a drunk driving accident can be devastating, and the emotional toll can last for years.

In addition to the emotional impact, families may also face financial consequences. Medical bills, funeral costs, and lost income can all add up quickly. This can put families in a difficult position, especially if they were not prepared for these expenses.

Even those who are lucky enough to avoid losing a loved one may still be affected by drunk driving. For example, witnessing a close call or seeing someone they care about get behind the wheel after drinking can cause anxiety and stress.

It is important to remember that preventing drunk driving is not just about protecting yourself - it is also about protecting others. By making responsible decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption and transportation, you can help keep your community safe and prevent needless tragedies from occurring.

Technology's Role in Preventing Drunk Driving

Technology has played a significant role in reducing the number of drunk drivers on the road. One example is ignition interlock devices, which are installed in vehicles and require the driver to blow into a breathalyzer before the car will start. If the device detects alcohol above a certain level, the car will not start.

Ignition interlock devices have been shown to be effective at preventing drunk driving. Studies have found that states with mandatory ignition interlock laws have seen a significant reduction in alcohol-related fatalities. In addition, these devices can also help identify repeat offenders and provide valuable data for law enforcement.

Other forms of technology can also be used to prevent drunk driving. For example, smartphone apps can help individuals find safe rides home or connect with designated drivers. Some cars are equipped with sensors that detect when a driver is swerving or veering off course, and can alert the driver or take corrective action.

As technology continues to advance, there may be even more ways to prevent drunk driving. For example, researchers are exploring the use of wearable sensors that can detect alcohol levels through sweat or breath. These sensors could potentially be integrated into clothing or jewelry and provide real-time feedback to users about their alcohol consumption.

While technology can be an important tool in preventing drunk driving, it is not a cure-all solution. It is still up to individuals to make responsible decisions when it comes to drinking and driving. However, by combining technology with education, enforcement efforts, and community support, we can work together to reduce the number of drunk drivers on our roads and keep our communities safe.

Sobriety Checkpoints: An Effective Tool in Reducing Drunk Driving

Sobriety checkpoints, also known as DUI checkpoints, are a common tool used by law enforcement to identify and deter drunk drivers. These checkpoints involve stopping drivers at a specific location and checking for signs of impairment. While some people may view sobriety checkpoints as an inconvenience, research has shown that they are an effective way to reduce incidents of drunk driving.

Studies have found that sobriety checkpoints can reduce alcohol-related crashes by up to 20%. In addition, these checkpoints can help catch repeat offenders who may have otherwise gone undetected. By increasing the perceived risk of getting caught for drunk driving, sobriety checkpoints can act as a deterrent and encourage people to make responsible decisions when it comes to drinking and driving.

While some critics argue that sobriety checkpoints violate individual rights or unfairly target certain groups of people, courts have generally upheld their legality. In fact, the Supreme Court has ruled that sobriety checkpoints are constitutional because they serve a compelling public interest in preventing drunk driving.

In order for sobriety checkpoints to be effective, it is important that they are conducted properly. This includes following established guidelines for checkpoint locations, signage, and procedures. It is also important that law enforcement officers receive proper training on how to conduct these checkpoints in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner.

Overall, sobriety checkpoints are an important tool in reducing incidents of drunk driving. While they may not catch every impaired driver on the road, they send a strong message that drunk driving will not be tolerated and can help prevent needless tragedies from occurring.


Drunk driving is a serious problem that affects everyone on the road. By understanding the risks and consequences of drunk driving, we can take steps to prevent this dangerous behavior. Whether it involves planning ahead for a safe ride home or supporting enforcement efforts, every individual can make a difference in the fight against drunk driving.


Since joining the Townsend content team, Shlomo has become a thought leader in the addiction field. He is a Seinfeld junkie, a recovering Twitter fanatic, and a sports expert. He enjoys milk shakes and beautiful views from rooftops.